CropIRLog Title version HortPlus Plant & Food Research
Soil Tools

Soil Tools

You need to enter your soil properties into CropIRLog. It is imporant to enter correct values as the software can only be as accurate as the information you enter. You can find you soil's properties by contacting a soil/irrigation consultant or using the tools below.

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Soil Profile Builder

Packaged with the CropIRLog software is the Soil Profile Builder. You can access this from the top menu of CropIRLog under Soil then Soil Profiler.

The Soil Profile Builder is designed to help you establish your soils water holding characteristics. The software uses data from the New Zealand Soils Database to determine appropriate physical and hydraulic properties for a range of soil textures. This information is worked out for each layer that makes up the soil profile.

Soil Map

Landcare Research has provided us with a soil layer and soil pits which you can navigate using the map below.

Find your property by selecting a location from the "zoom to" drop-down-box or typing in your area in the textbox and clicking the "search" button. From there you can pan and zoom to your location. Click once on a soil colour to view it's properties.

Click on the small + icon in the top right corner of the map to change the base map and show/hide different layers. Eg you can change the base map to a google street map. Use the link below the map to get a full screen view.

View map fullscreen View map fullscreen

Thanks to Landcare Research for providing some of this soil data.