CropIRLog Features
This covers the main features of CropIRLog with a breif description. Click on the image thumbnails to view them full size.
Main Display
This is the main display of CropIRLog. Supplied with soil, crop, weather and irrigation information CropIRLog models soil moisture level (the dark blue line) which can assist with your decision to irrigate. Easily switch between your soil zones and irrigation strategies by clicking on them from their respective lists at the top.
Soil Zones
A zone is an area with one soil type and one crop type. Your property is likely to be made up of multiple zones and there is no limit to the number of zones you can add. Enter the soil property values of each zone. You may find the Soil Map has information for your soils.
Irrigation Strategies
An irrigation strategy allows you to specify the maximum water deficit you would allow for three growth stages throughout the season. A wizard will guide you through adding an irrigation strategy, you can then customize it from there.
Weather Data
Manage your own weather data by adding weather stations and easily importing weather data. You can get weather data from any source that has both rainfall and evapotranspiration. If you record your property rainfall, you can optionally enter it and use those values instead.
Irrigation Records
Adding irrigation records is simple. On the graph, just double click on the date of the irrigation event to quickly add irrigation records. The accepted irrigation unit is mm. There is a sprinkler calculator and a dripper calculator to help you convert your irrigation records into mm if required.